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Pandemic Meals For One That Will Have You Saying “Please, God, When Will This Be Over?”

A list of recipes that are high in cholesterol and low in self-esteem.

Bev Potter


Photo by Wright Brand Bacon on Unsplash

Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far —

Look, just say “a long time ago,” okay?

A long time ago, I made something called “meals.” These involved putting together several different items of food, also known as “ingredients,” and — wait, let me pull up a dictionary — “cooking” them. A lot of my cooking involved pasta, which is not exactly haute cuisine, but at least I had to boil water.

I don’t even bother looking at recipes anymore. If it calls for more than one ingredient, it’s too much work. Now I consider the following to be legit meals for one during these, the most unprecedented of times:


That’s it, that’s the meal. Strips of irradiated pork. Dab the finished product with some paper towels if they haven’t been suctioned off the shelves by hoards of marauding parents. Eat with a knife and fork if you’re feeling fancy.


I have — and I am not making this up — 20 open boxes of cereal in my kitchen right now. I like variety. So sue me.



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