
My Review of the Cleveland Auto Show

Bev Potter
3 min readMar 6, 2022
If you need to ask how much this Hummer costs, you can’t afford it (Photo: Bev Potter)

The first thing I saw at the Cleveland Auto Show was a dog. It wasn’t a service dog, it wasn’t a therapy dog. It was just a dog. A rust-colored, poodle-looking, plain old dog.

I’m never going to get used to people bringing their dog with them to public places. I’m just not.

The second thing I saw at the Cleveland Auto Show was a couple of old guys eating ice cream cones which immediately made me think, “Where can I get an ice cream cone?

The third thing I saw at the Cleveland Auto Show was people carrying around tallboys of Yuengling (beer) because, really, who doesn’t want to waste a gorgeous Saturday afternoon getting hammered and staring at cars at the Cleveland I-X Center?

What I did not see at the Cleveland Auto Show was masks. So, I guess the pandemic is over? Yes? No? Who fuckin’ knows.

Personally, I wore a mask because I am never, ever going to catch any sort of airborne viral illness ever again in my lifetime. I haven’t had a cold in over two years and I am ecstatic. Plus I don’t have to wear makeup anymore, so screw personal freedoms. I’m wearing a mask.

Once I got around to actually focusing on the “auto” part of “auto show”, I made a beeline for the Ford section where I proceeded to lose my shit.



Bev Potter

Legal secretary by day, insomniac by night. Ally. BA, MA. Humor, pop culture, and things that make you think. My weekly-ish newsletter is