Member-only story


If You Want Something Done, Right or Not So Right, You Gotta Do It Yourself

Nobody wants to work anymore.

Bev Potter


These are channellocks and they look just like mine! (Photo by Robert Ruggiero on Unsplash)

When the screen door handle snapped off in my hand, I didn’t immediately think of it as A Problem. I thought of it more as An Inconvenience.

That quickly changed when I thought about how the screen door is the only thing between me and The Outside, i.e. squirrels, chipmunks, raccoons, Bigfoot, etc.

I have an enclosed back porch. So, it goes: screen door, porch (where all of my shoes live), and then real door that opens into my kitchen.

The screen door doesn’t actually close, which is why the handle snapped off because I’ve been hauling on it with all of my 150-ish pounds (all muscle) to close it because the rod thing in the closing gasket is bent from when the wind caught it a few times and tried to rip it off its hinges.

Safety chain? We don’t need no stinkin’ safety chain.

So that’s why, with the handle broken and no way to manhandle the door shut (good luck de-genderfying “manhandle”), I was exposed to the great outdoors by an inch gap between the door and the frame.

Now, I could close the door if I grabbed the stub just right in a kind of…



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