
I Hate Having A Male Gynecologist

Only women really know how women work.

Bev Potter
3 min readSep 9, 2022


My sentiments exactly. (Photo by on Unsplash)

I have to get a mammogram tomorrow. And since there’s breast cancer in my family, I will be ultra grumpy until it’s over.

At least 50% of the time there’s something questionable going on and I have to get an ultrasound too, and one time I had to get a biopsy, which is a story for another day.

A mammogram machine can best be described as a giant radioactive panini press for boobs.

Any test where the tech keeps asking, “How are you doing?” is bad.

My OB/GYN blackmails me by refusing to give me a mammogram requisition until I schedule my annual check up, which I hate. I don’t particularly like him, either.

I have a long, weird history with gynecologists.

My first gynecologist, who I really liked, got hit by a train.

My second gynecologist got sued by a patient who experienced horrible birth trauma (I’ll spare you the details). The lawsuit was, of course, in my courtroom. She lost in a big way, and even though I really liked her, I stopped going to her due to the awkwardness factor.



Bev Potter
Bev Potter

Written by Bev Potter

Legal secretary by day, insomniac by night. Ally. BA, MA. Humor, pop culture, and things that make you think. My weekly-ish newsletter is

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