
How Not To Drown Using A Neti Pot

Breathing through your nose isn’t a right, it’s a privilege.

Bev Potter
5 min readDec 12, 2021


Ol’ blue.

I have a deviated septum. That means I can only breathe through one nostril.

The other nostril is just for show. It’s like a toilet at Home Depot — it’s not connected to anything and you can’t use it.

I bless the day that some brilliant genius — I’m talking about truly Einstein-level smarts here — invented the Breathe Right© strip.

A Breathe Right is a little piece of sticky plastic that goes over the bridge of your nose, grips your nostril flaps, and pulls.

Breathe Rights are worn by highly-trained competitive athletes during play, and by people like me — overweight mouth breathers with a defective schnozz.

But when my allergies act up or I have a cold, Breathe Rights aren’t up to the job.

My nostril flaps can only extend so far. That’s when we need to get to the root of the problem and have a nice, self-inflicted waterboarding.

Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. I mean a nice, soothing “sinus wash”.

The History of the Neti Pot



Bev Potter

Legal secretary by day, insomniac by night. Ally. BA, MA. Humor, pop culture, and things that make you think. My weekly-ish newsletter is