Hello, My Name Is Ranty McRanticles

I probably just need to calm down about some things, but where’s the fun in that?

Bev Potter
3 min readMay 8, 2024
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

“Passive income” articles make me insannnneeee.

Not the ones out in the real world, but the ones on here, the ones on Medium, where there’s supposed to be a war on clickbait, and where I have enough knowledge of the metrics to know just how much money some garbage article written in barely passable English (and I use that word loosely) made the writer.

It made a lot.

I guess I’m just jealous. It’s not like I have morals or ethics or artistic integrity. But, wow, 10.4k claps and 250 responses (90% glowing, bordering on sycophantic) for something with glaring grammar errors and suggestions like “get a roommate.”


“Rent a parking space.”

“Content creation.” Okay, you’re going to have to be a little more specific about that — or not. I guess, not.

How about, “Sell a kidney”? I don’t see that.

And I love the paint-by-numbers design of the entire piece.

Where there’s lots of white space in between

each sentence



Bev Potter

Legal secretary by day, insomniac by night. Ally. BA, MA. Humor, pop culture, and things that make you think. My weekly-ish newsletter is bevpotter.substack.com