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Does Your Profile Picture Impact Your Earnings?

Some thoughts on putting your real self out there.

Bev Potter


Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

“It had no face, no personality. It was like a Martian. But hey, that’s me.” — Elaine Benes explaining to Jerry Seinfeld why she prefers men who are circumcised.

For the last six years, I’ve been hiding behind a cartoon avatar on Twitter. I never even considered uploading a real photo of myself there because posting on Twitter is like walking down a dark alley alone. I’ve always felt much, much safer remaining anonymous.

That’s also why I put off joining Medium for at least a year, if not longer. Their guidelines at the time (who knows what they say now) mandated a “clear profile photo”. No thank you.

It’s not just that I have low-esteem and hate every picture ever taken of me except that one when I was three months old. It’s not just that I’m worried about internet stalkers.

It’s that posting a photo of myself makes me feel vulnerable. A profile photo says, “Here I am. This is me.”

A photo is an invitation to judgment.



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