Member-only story
Does Anybody On Nextdoor Know Anything About the Giant Glowing Orb at the Corner of Taylor Street and Felicity Lane?
Jerome S.
Does anybody know what is going in at the corner of Taylor and Felicity? There wasn’t anything there yesterday except a vacant lot, and today there’s a glowing blue orb.
Tim W.
I don’t know anything about a glowing blue orb — maybe lay off the Coors, Jerry — but I do know there’s a giant silver tower there now, kinda looks like a dildo.
Betty S.
Please refrain from that sort of language, Tim, thanks.
Vernon L.
It’s probably a vaccine dispencer put in by the government.
Jerome S.
How would that even work, Vernon? And that’s not how you spell dispenser.
Vernon L.
They made a spray to gas us all with the vaccine and make us magnetic.
Brian Q.
Does anybody else have intrusive thoughts when they drive by The Dick? Thoughts that seem to come from an outside source in a language you don’t understand, and yet, do?
Betty S.